In order for a society to function properly
and maintain order, harmony and justice there needs to be a mechanism for
enforcement of regulations that have been deemed positive and just by the
society.(2) Board of Ethics Committee The
Council will appoint a number of persons, who may be Council members, Board
members or Ethics Scholars or others deemed worthy by the Council, to act as
a review Committee [Board Ethics Division] to check the activities of the
board groups and the activities and individuals to insure that the integrity
and transparency of those activities are in keeping with the values and
principles of the board as expressed in the Guiding Ethic Statement. This
review Board will act as a first step in the review of complaints or
grievances by persons within or outside of the Board relating to the affairs
or ongoing activities of the Board. The
ethical standard by which this Board will operate will be provided by the
Council through an official approved Ethics Code (this Document) that is to
be observed by all members of the organization. |
Ethics Governance and
Integrity for Practitioners and the Community |
To contact us: |
To contact us: Phone: 1-800-704-3466 |
Board of Ethics Committee |
To see the Ethical Code for the International
Association of African Priests, Priestesses and Healers
- mmra krado (Seal of law and order). Symbolizing the authority of the court.
[Ashanti mythology and adinkra symbols] 2-Too
much tolerance paves the way for trouble. -Kenyan proverb |