James’ Activity
In Closing Tweets Of My LinkedinHelp Interface here on Linkedin Copied To Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) on twitter, The Real Man I Am : Social Services and Mental Health Care Abuses Old Paradigm changed 2007
Jeff Weiner: You are also tagged to this post. [ I am updating the homepage of Wikiworld.com to the status of this interrupted closing interface condition with LinkedIn Help as I have to make a road-trip to clear out my Denver Storage Unit -- when no one cares to rebuild a life, they want to call the police and tell me a NO TRESPASSING ORDER has been issued against me and Rocky Mountain CARES [ I I ? why the category of RMC is defined as Medical Malpractice on LinkedIn I don't make these things up. This statement will only be made in public once. I have a standing arrangement with Timothy E. Marable that if everything should happen to me, and I have not already made my final wishes of directives to him personally, [ face to face ], that what has occurred is not real.... or not playing by the rules of reality. I termed it differently here so that I can keep all things related intimate between that sacramental arrangement private. I am a very smart of practical sensed human being and when things are so skewed to a unbelievable circumstance of #Conspiracy that I am on my own way mystified by how massive massive is in this title, Massive Mischievous Marvel Of Molding Muck.
United Nations: You are tagged here because of my request of "optional protocol" has already been issued. http://webdomains.realuphuman.net/un.org/Gmail%20-%20Systemic%20Descrimination%20in%20Ryan%20White%20Care%20Act%20Social%20Services.html http://webdomains.realuphuman.net/un.org/Gmail%20-%20Offiicial%20Confirmation%20Request.html My twitter thread references this to the @FBI -- this country is never fair --- too many haters involved here. Too too many encounters beyond statistical averages. They are everywhere. I did nothing wrong, but they will not release their hold on hate! https://twitter.com/Gruwup/status/1003906586161496065 @FBI @FBIBoston @FBILosAngeles @NewYorkFBI @FBIWFO -- PLEASE OPEN AND READ FULL THREAD PLEASE. THANK YOU.
The Real Hurt Man I Am To Family [ Warning Contains Strong Language ] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jzigLLIqipc

Quick Video File Downloadable From: http://to-a-persons-name.emoji.gruwup.net/Angel-IWishToSayThankYou.mp4

Quick Video File Downloadable From: http://to-a-persons-name.emoji.gruwup.net/Angel-IWishToSayThankYou.mp4

Available In Both Written Copy and Spoken Voice Text Narrative LinkedIn Help Case#`18601-001564. 3rd Times A Charm. Case Support Submission#3 -- previous cases were flat out deleted. Jeff Weiner Tagged To This post because of the internal InMail Messaging Directed To Him.
A culture built around transparency shouldn’t provide license to be destructive. Key is to be open, honest *and* constructive.
Interesting that you have this quote, even though what has been sent to you. you have not responded on. Transparency? An initiation of a linkedin InMail conversation whereas the Blocking Feature on social media is once again is being used to hide the truth. I have my correspondence copied and captured saved in an external email record. http://webdomains.realuphuman.net/denverda.org/Gmail%20-%20Initial%20Reach%20Out%20To%20Jennifer%20Mattock%20former%20property%20manager%20of%20Pillar%20Property%20LLC.html This is one of the actors involved in this hate and harassment conspiracy that must be filed with the DA's Office next week in order to grant transparency. That is because of member to member blocking when it is truth that is being discussed and nothing more. When will there be a transparency truth over-ride imposed against the prevaricators [ liars ] and empower the transparency wistleblowers who hold the truth record that wants to be discussed, but they refuse to cooperate without a criminal complaint being sought. Profile Jennifer Mattock [ https://www.linkedin.com/in/jennifer-mattock-11b56495/ ] is blocked from my access even though I was professional.

A culture built around transparency shouldn’t provide license to be destructive. Key is to be open, honest *and* constructive.
Interesting that you have this quote, even though what has been sent to you. you have not responded on. Transparency? An initiation of a linkedin InMail conversation whereas the Blocking Feature on social media is once again is being used to hide the truth. I have my correspondence copied and captured saved in an external email record. http://webdomains.realuphuman.net/denverda.org/Gmail%20-%20Initial%20Reach%20Out%20To%20Jennifer%20Mattock%20former%20property%20manager%20of%20Pillar%20Property%20LLC.html This is one of the actors involved in this hate and harassment conspiracy that must be filed with the DA's Office next week in order to grant transparency. That is because of member to member blocking when it is truth that is being discussed and nothing more. When will there be a transparency truth over-ride imposed against the prevaricators [ liars ] and empower the transparency wistleblowers who hold the truth record that wants to be discussed, but they refuse to cooperate without a criminal complaint being sought. Profile Jennifer Mattock [ https://www.linkedin.com/in/jennifer-mattock-11b56495/ ] is blocked from my access even though I was professional.

https://lnkd.in/gHNUyWD <--- Link To Video hosted @Realuphuman.net/@Gruwup Great Reasons Us Will Unite Peace 2018 Theme of this video is inspired by two Madonna music tracks. Both tracks off the album "Ray Of Light". [1] Frozen : https://lnkd.in/g9DXUJe [2] Swim : https://lnkd.in/gci-JJJ BTW: Offended you cannot be. If the wall street journal can write and publish about the subject , so can I. https://lnkd.in/g-NGnRt Thank You, James Driskill Owner, realuphuman.net
View just before walking out to deliver this year’s Wharton commencement speech. Was truly an honor. Thank you dean Geoffrey Garrett and vice dean Lori Rosenkopf for making it possible.
Mr Weiner, I am now following you. I will be replying on your posts the reality reflection of what has been shared to you. Without address of the special interests that have a death grip claw on our country. You see, it is hard out here for many and you all of the elite are living inside a bubble of privilege. I have certain rights as a person with disabilities per the United Nations Convention for rights for persons with disabilities to a full and equal contributing participant in our society. But frankly, the social media game is not playing fair.... and you know it. I got myself involved in exposing a conspiracy that goes way way over the top of decency. And what I have also discovered in this conspiracy is that it is not isolated to just a local regional area of Denver. Because what is showing on Glassdoor nationally is systemic of a broader problem. That being an apathetic view that we are not dealing with issues that are really -- our role to deal with. We are expecting it to be some other person's job, when frankly this wicked problem that I speak about of collective conscience to a higher augmented conscience is the only thing that is going to save our society. [ continued ]

View just before walking out to deliver this year’s Wharton commencement speech. Was truly an honor. Thank you dean Geoffrey Garrett and vice dean Lori Rosenkopf for making it possible.
Mr Weiner, I am now following you. I will be replying on your posts the reality reflection of what has been shared to you. Without address of the special interests that have a death grip claw on our country. You see, it is hard out here for many and you all of the elite are living inside a bubble of privilege. I have certain rights as a person with disabilities per the United Nations Convention for rights for persons with disabilities to a full and equal contributing participant in our society. But frankly, the social media game is not playing fair.... and you know it. I got myself involved in exposing a conspiracy that goes way way over the top of decency. And what I have also discovered in this conspiracy is that it is not isolated to just a local regional area of Denver. Because what is showing on Glassdoor nationally is systemic of a broader problem. That being an apathetic view that we are not dealing with issues that are really -- our role to deal with. We are expecting it to be some other person's job, when frankly this wicked problem that I speak about of collective conscience to a higher augmented conscience is the only thing that is going to save our society. [ continued ]

View just before walking out to deliver this year’s Wharton commencement speech. Was truly an honor. Thank you dean Geoffrey Garrett and vice dean Lori Rosenkopf for making it possible.
Mr Weiner, I am now following you. I will be replying on your posts the reality reflection of what has been shared to you. Without address of the special interests that have a death grip claw on our country. You see, it is hard out here for many and you all of the elite are living inside a bubble of privilege. I have certain rights as a person with disabilities per the United Nations Convention for rights for persons with disabilities to a full and equal contributing participant in our society. But frankly, the social media game is not playing fair.... and you know it. I got myself involved in exposing a conspiracy that goes way way over the top of decency. And what I have also discovered in this conspiracy is that it is not isolated to just a local regional area of Denver. Because what is showing on Glassdoor nationally is systemic of a broader problem. That being an apathetic view that we are not dealing with issues that are really -- our role to deal with. We are expecting it to be some other person's job, when frankly this wicked problem that I speak about of collective conscience to a higher augmented conscience is the only thing that is going to save our society. [ continued ]

Colorado Health Network is hiring! Positions include On-Call Medical Case manager, Bi-lingual Medical Case Manager and Medical Case Managers. Visit careers at www.coloradohealthnetwork.org to learn more!
LinkedIn - Please review this comment upon Colorado Health Network as accurate to the details that are posted at Glassdoor -- and if Colorado Health Networks decides to cut and run by blocking my account from commenting the truth onto their posts, please inform them they are not acting appropriate to the community and that I will be proceeding with my filing with the District Attorney for the Denver County Colorado Please suspend activity on Colorado Health Network's access to this site until a remedy is worked out. I would appreciate being heard for a change instead of censored. You know the controversy with Zendesk and Adam4adam is related to Colorado Health Network, right? That matter has been forwarded t the attention of the @FBI on Twitter.

Colorado Health Network is hiring! Positions include On-Call Medical Case manager, Bi-lingual Medical Case Manager and Medical Case Managers. Visit careers at www.coloradohealthnetwork.org to learn more!
LinkedIn - Please review this comment upon Colorado Health Network as accurate to the details that are posted at Glassdoor -- and if Colorado Health Networks decides to cut and run by blocking my account from commenting the truth onto their posts, please inform them they are not acting appropriate to the community and that I will be proceeding with my filing with the District Attorney for the Denver County Colorado Please suspend activity on Colorado Health Network's access to this site until a remedy is worked out. I would appreciate being heard for a change instead of censored. You know the controversy with Zendesk and Adam4adam is related to Colorado Health Network, right? That matter has been forwarded t the attention of the @FBI on Twitter.

James Driskill Owner, realuphuman.net
Jeff Weiner: You are also tagged to this post. [ I am updating the homepage of Wikiworld.com to the status of this interrupted closing interface condition with LinkedIn Help as I have to make a road-trip to clear out my Denver Storage Unit -- when no one cares to rebuild a life, they want to call the police and tell me a NO TRESPASSING ORDER has been issued against me and Rocky Mountain CARES [ I I ? why the category of RMC is defined as Medical Malpractice on LinkedIn I don't make these things up. This statement will only be made in public once. I have a standing arrangement with Timothy E. Marable that if everything should happen to me, and I have not already made my final wishes of directives to him personally, [ face to face ], that what has occurred is not real.... or not playing by the rules of reality. I termed it differently here so that I can keep all things related intimate between that sacramental arrangement private. I am a very smart of practical sensed human being and when things are so skewed to a unbelievable circumstance of #Conspiracy that I am on my own way mystified by how massive massive is in this title, Massive Mischievous Marvel Of Molding Muck.
James Driskill Owner, realuphuman.net
United Nations: You are tagged here because of my request of "optional protocol" has already been issued. http://webdomains.realuphuman.net/un.org/Gmail%20-%20Systemic%20Descrimination%20in%20Ryan%20White%20Care%20Act%20Social%20Services.html http://webdomains.realuphuman.net/un.org/Gmail%20-%20Offiicial%20Confirmation%20Request.html My twitter thread references this to the @FBI -- this country is never fair --- too many haters involved here. Too too many encounters beyond statistical averages. They are everywhere. I did nothing wrong, but they will not release their hold on hate! https://twitter.com/Gruwup/status/1003906586161496065 @FBI @FBIBoston @FBILosAngeles @NewYorkFBI @FBIWFO -- PLEASE OPEN AND READ FULL THREAD PLEASE. THANK YOU.
James Driskill Owner, realuphuman.net
The Real Hurt Man I Am To Family [ Warning Contains Strong Language ] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jzigLLIqipc