There is nothing fancy coded here -- just a simple message of our past
reflecting in a pool of digital archives we need to bring back and remember!
Google Books Search [ "Go Fix Some Weighty Truth" ]
Words To Live By
Site Written Page
A Forevermore Dunce
Good Friend True Friends
Crazy World Future Words
The Disinterestedness of Christ's Sympathy
Other: Persuasive Technology
We Are As Sick As Our Secrets
Dear LinkedIn:
As the largest and most recognized professionals website in cyberspace, you have a leading role in trends that could indeed
be carried and absorbed into the cultures of all business models of productivity. I am sharing some words to live by that we
have long lost and we have to bring them back into our perspective modern day way of life. As in this referenced book above,
these series of #WordsToLiveBy appeared in many replicated forms of books on the subjects of wisdom, guidance, and happiness.
These words were placed to our human world in the year circa 1750s. It is my duty to tell the human working world that we
have lost our sensible way. In that we are lost, we can always use the #Sankofa of African Adinkra Wisdom to go back and fetch
what we lost / forgot. It is about the wisdom of building foundations of our society on parts of the past that we forgot.
For in the time of these creation works [ 1750s ] to their broad [ viral for their day ] publication in many references,
Something happened. The United States of America, The Declaration of Independence, and the Constitution Of The United
States were written missing these word constructed ideals. This is extremely heavy weight.
What we are seeing in the hemorrhage of violence and mass gun shootings is just a beginning of an unraveling effect not having
So of these guidances instilled into our countries foundation by our forefathers. It was not their fault. Nor was it a fault
that the did not excise African Slavery out of the new world before the documents were fully ratified for all of the 13 colonies.
*** IT IS MY WHOLEHEARTED FAITH: That if the founding fathers of the United States of America were given the opportunity to have
been exposed to these word passages from Reverend Edward Young from Nights Thoughts, in 9 Nights, on Life, Death, and Immortality
what we would have today is a completely different set of moral standings. Instead we are on divided structures pending our collapse.
I do not write these words carelessly and it is with great pain that I must enforce some Computing and Moral Responsibility
rules if nothing else for you to create the mortar to build your technology platform onto our world creations.
IT IS ESSENTIAL that we understand where we have broken away a stride from our basic humanity for a profit margin model that
cannot continue to erode our social trust in our society. WE CANNOT HOLD ONTO THIS MODEL. We are breaking at the seams and
it is only going to get worse until we apply the guidance that I am bringing back into focus. I have not written any kind of
glorious deed manifesto to apply drastic change to other's views and lives. No, that is not what I am doing. But those who can
not see the wisdom of what I am doing view me as a threat --- I am far from a threat --- I am a peacebuilder. It would be
a wondrous respect and honor to meet with you to discuss these matters in more detail than a passing forced into view perspective
of technology names that FRANKLY YOU CANNOT JUST IGNORE!
It is time to give up the hate paradigms of cut throat business wars of ideas --- and start bringing it back to the basics of
guidance models to then bring up everything level by level upon it. I am more technology wise than you think me to be if you
have been ignoring me for these many years, because of a mission that I have a need to correct a bias hate paradigm that has
extremely effected my empowerment opportunities living as a person living with HIV/AIDS disease. It is time for the
informational quarantine on a targeted class to come to and end as well. Both are priorities of mine are weighty truth that
needs to be fixed.
Thank you for reading.
WebAdmin: James M. Driskill
Press This Link Bar To Continue With #WordsToLiveBy and Continued Peacebuilding Video Playlist ]
BASE [ http://adinkra.gruwup.net ]

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domain. I hope that helps